Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A tale of tails

A tale of tails

Many years ago, children didn’t go to school, giraffes had short necks, there was no ice cream and animals had no tails.
The animals were not happy without tails. When fly sat on their backs or on their noses they had no tails to brush the fly away and this was so annoying. So one day king lion called the animals to get a new tail.
Guinea pig was very happy to hear the news because he had no tail and the flies are very nasty whenever they come around him. However, it was raining hard and the air was so cold that day. Guinea pig hated to get wet. So he said to the other animals, “Please, bring me a tail. I’m staying at home”
“What tail do you want?” the animals asked him. “Do you want a long thin one, a short fat one or a long hairy one?”
“Oh, any tail will be good for me,” answered Guinea pig.
Some days later the animals came home with their tails. Elephant had a long thin one with hair at the end which he would use in disciplining the flies if they ever come near him again. Monkey had a strong one which he could use to hold on to trees with. Scorpion had a sharp one he could use to sting with when provoked. And peacock had a beautiful big tail made of feathers of many colours. But nobody brought a tail for Guinea pig.
“Where is my tail?” asked Guinea pig. “Have you forgotten my tail?”
They had forgotten Guinea pig. They had been busy finding a tail for themselves.
So remember: if you have something important to do, do it yourself. Don’t ask others to do it for you. Don’t forget Guinea pig with his tailless bottom.

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